lundi 31 août 2020

Last renegade squad : a classic Noise Marine and some lust riders

 I've just finished today my last squad of renegades chaos space marines. Guess what. I can't believed it, after this last squad, I am done with my Emperor's Children army...

I am done with my Emperor's Children army...

I am done with my Emperor's Children army...

I am done with my Emperor's Children army...

I am done with my Emperor's Children army...

I am done with my Emperor's Children army...

I am done with my Emperor's Children army...

Seriously !! I am done with it. I just need to paint one last MK1 Predator and I am done. Will take pictures of the entire army later.

Here is the last squad, lead by a classic Noise Marines

Now they are side by side with the devastator squad I painted last time

Joined by the mighty lust riders... some eldars, perverse enough to ride the Dark Prince mounts... 

And now, all together, with all the minis I painted during this summer for Warhammer 40K

What do you think of it ? 

Now I am done with 40K, I will make just a small corrupted imperial guard army and then, dedicate all myself to Warhammer Battle !! 

lundi 17 août 2020

New toys of destruction : Renegade Devastator Squad

I had them on my desk since a long time... (yes I know, there are a lot of things on my desk) and as the weather is colder now, I decided to paint those lovely fellows.

This squad breathes subtlety : 2 heavy melta gun, 1 heavy plasma gun, they should be able to disintegrate anything they cross.

I mostly used contrast colors with many lightenings until white. I am quite happy with the result, they fit perfectly with the infamous Lubrifist, the Chaos Dreadnought.

What do you think ? Are they "Realm of Chaos" enough ?


dimanche 16 août 2020

Battle Report : Beneath the Howling Stars

 Hello folks !

I was invited last week by Julien to try his new table, with a strong chaotic theme.

The table is very beautiful and finely detailed but it is a bit complicated to play with it for Warhammer.

The story was simple: Malefica, the dark elf high Priestress of Slaanesh had clear sign from her patron, true power will come after defeating Urgull, the Chaos Lord and his horde.... in the realm of Chaos.

The background was set : dark elves will be raiding the chaos slaves in their own territory. We played Warhammer 5th Edition, as usual and I decided to play with the last miniatures I painted. The core of my army will be a strong sorcerer and her suite with some Slaaneshi Chaos allies... (slaves).

My list : 

Malefica, level 4 sorcerer, on foot

Kularis, dark elf general, with the cold one knights

18 dark elves witches

6 cold one knights

12 crossbowmen

2 bolt throwers

6 dark raiders

6 shades 

6 harpies

Allies : 

Shagass, level 1 sorcerer of Slaanesh on cocatrix

Shuguluss, champion fo chaos on chariot with 2 marauder chariots

The deployment was without surprise, I put the bolt throwers on the hill hidden by harpies and  protected by crossbowmen

The cold one knights were in the middle, supporting the witch elves

On my right, I decided to protect my flank with my chaos allies ("send them the Dark Prince' slaves, their blood is worthless...")

My saucy allies : 

And of course, dark raiders and shades used the forest to progress in front of enemy lines...

In front of me, Julien's beautifull Chaos Undivided Horde...

Chaos Knights and Chaos Lord...

Chaos Warriors : 

Chaos Trolls with a Chaos Champion (and Chaos Marauders with a level 3 Sorcerer in the back)

Two armies are facing to each other : 

I took turn 1, so I decided to advance with everyone and to put the sorcerer on cocatrix on the right, flanking his line sneakily...

He succeeded to petrify one chaos knight and I shot 2 of them at the shooting phase. The chaos lord, started to feel lonely.

At his turn, he advanced. too, but a too much and I counter charged him with my knights and chariots. The chariots literally erased the chaos knights, but not the chaos lord that destroyed 2 of them.

The knights charged the chaos warriors, but they were not motivated enough and the fight ended on an equality.... exposing the witches to the trolls... 

Trolls howled at the refined elves and killed 7 of them.... 

Fortunately, dark magic was stronger and I succeeded to break his lines on turn 3. Trolls and Chaos warriors were gone, leaving the marauders facing the entire dark elves army...

Malefica whine with pleasure watching see her enemies devoured by the Harnzipal's Horror... their screams will announce her enlightenment !

lundi 10 août 2020

Summer 2020 : painting dairy

Ok, I gonna try to make it in English again :)

During this long and hot summer, I couldn't find any motivation to paint anything. Just some stuff that was on my board since a long time.

First I decided to finish those two buddies. A gladiator and a templar from the "citadel fighters box". Guest what, the gladiator has a comb for his helmet :D this is for this kind of lovely details I love Oldhammer miniatures. Painted with proper colors, they are now part of my Chaos Warriors regiment.

the comb !!!! 

In the same spirit, I decided to paint this amazing miniature, the GW Cocatrix. As I only play to the 5th edition of Warhammer, it allows you to have many characters with exotic mounts. I just put a rider converted from an old Slaanesh Champion, some green stuff, et voilà !

What do you think of it ? 

Next things on my desk are a squad of 6 Slaanesh Renegades for W40K and some eldars riders on mount of Slaanesh. After maybe I will paint Keggox and the Spinned Dragon, but I am not sure of that. Next Wednesday, I play W40k against Pestilus the greedy, so I might have more pictures to post ! Take care and have fun !