dimanche 7 mars 2021

Second entry for the old World Army Challenge : Chaos Warriors

Here I am ! 

Late as never, with one finger missing, but I succeeded to complete this month ! 

As I featured you I wanted to paint 12 chaos warriors, plus a champion/hero on foot.

I am sure you recognized the champion, It is the champion of Khorne with a fleshound head that I perverted to Slaanesh. A much more rejoicing cause. His head is of course a head from a beast of Slaanesh, which is truly oversized for him. He looks even more bizarre and vicious. 

Let me introduce you to Eidolon the Lustful.

For the other warriors I tried to make them different from each other but I also watched out to keep a kind of global scheme that work with my army.

I hope you like them !

12 Chaos warriors with two handed weapons and standard bearer 429 pts
Champion of Slaanesh with two handed weapon 93 pts
So it's 522 pts for me this month !