mardi 17 décembre 2019

V2 DAY 2019, And Justice for All...

My dearest pleasure seekers,

Last week-end I had the pleasure to participate to the "V2 Day" in Paris. It is an Oldhammer event dedicated to the second edition of Warhammer 40K.

Because of the damned strike in France, we were less than excepted, but enough to have a lot of fun :)

On saturday I played two battles of 2000 pts respectivly against the infamous Cochonou and his Blood Angels and then Stéphane and his Nurgle Demonic Legion.

My army list of the Saturday was :

- Lord of Slaanesh with sword and Daemon Weapon. Teleporter field and combat drugs
- Chaos sorcerer lord wearing terminator armor with lightening claw, convector field, psy helm, and force staff
- Thulsodom, the keeper of all secrets

2 squads of 6 noise marines with champion
24 cultists + 1 Altar of Slaanesh

Possessed Land Raider
Possessed Rhino with warp amp
Dreadnought with 2 claws

First battle against the "blue angels" of Cochonou :


My cultists are deployed to hide the troops and Noise Marines behind

Possessed vehicules (rhino with Warp Amp)

The death company and Mephisto, an obvious lake of subtility

The almighty altar of Slaanesh

Terminators and Dreadnought.... 

I didn't take so much pictures during the game but Cochonou won, 13 to 12, a tight victory but still victory. I was enable to complete my objective : Raid (have a squad in enemy deploiement zone.

My greatest victory was to transform Mephisto in Chaos Spawn for Slaanesh greatest pleasure !! 

You're now much more perfect my Lord...

Second battle, Stéphane's Demonic Legion

I had the chance to play against Stéphane about two years ago and I remembered well his fantastic army, full of conversions and beautiful miniatures.

The battle was a bit hard for Stéphane as he didn't have any anti tank weapons. Anyway we had a lot of fun. He succeeded to cast the spell "gateway" but forgot that his troops had a risk to be possessed while crossing the gateway... Funny to see them dying because of it.

Look at his fantastic miniatures : 

Nurgle Warriors, Nurglings and Plaguebearers

Nurgle Warriors, Icon Bearer and Plaguebearers

A genuine Realm of Chaos army !!

Third battle, last but not the least, Pestilus'Ultramarines

Hum, battling against Pestilus is like fucking an old whore that you know for a long time : you have your habits, you both share a lot of sweet nicknames...

This day we were playing with 3000 pts. As I knew he will be playing the dirtiest combo of the second edition, I summoned the mightiest servants of the Dark Prince : Possessed Squad and Noise Marines with Terminator Armor.

My army list :

- Lord of Slaanesh with sword and Daemon Weapon. Teleporter field and combat drugs
- Chaos sorcerer lord wearing terminator armor with lightening claw, convector field, psy helm, and force staff
- Thulsodom, the keeper of all secrets

2 squads of 6 noise marines with champion
24 cultists + 1 Altar of Slaanesh

Possessed Land Raider
Possessed Rhino with warp amp
Dreadnought with power claw and lascanon
Dreadnought with power flail and lascanon

1 squad of Possessed of Slaanesh
1 squad of Terminator Noise Marines

The battlefield

Pathetic servants of the false emperor

Possessed Marines

This asshole played a Culexus Assassin, deployed close to my Sorceror, by chance I add the Strategy Card "Delay" so he arrived far from me. This assassin is not so powerful but he is a real threat, a shadow that grows in your back. Almost untargetable, pretty hard to kill.

Culexus Assassin

Fortunately, I succeeded to kill him with my Noise Marines.

The battle was very tight but I won 18 to 13 because I completed my mission "capture".
What a game !! A lot of destruction on both side, all my terminators were dead, cultists and Sorceror too...

That was an amazing week end, if you feel like playing oldhammer, come to Paris for a little game :)

Time for some showcasing pictures....

The Souleaters from the Perfect Legion

Slaves from the altar

Warlord and Noise Marines

4 commentaires:

  1. ça fait toujours plaisir de voir des armées du chaos bigarrées et pittoresques :) Ton armée de Slaanesh a vraiment de la gueule une fois tout mis ensemble sur la table.

    1. Merci ! Là il manquais encore les possédés et les vétérans. J'essaye de prendre des pièces d'un peu partout, beaucoup d'eldars noirs, pour faire un ensemble sympa !

  2. Tes conversions sont sublimes. franchement c'est cauchemardesque, c'est torturé, c'est parfois gênant à regarder. C'est très travaillé. Les photos finales qui illustrent l'armée sont vraiment réussies. Bravo :)

    1. Merci mon Nico !
      Il me tarde de te retrouver pour le v5 day. Je jouerais les Elfes Noirs je pense, qui sont plus soft, à l'exception de l'Autel que tu connais déjà, mais je concocte un Gardien des Secrets FW avec un parterre d'esclaves et un petit diorama, tu m'en diras des nouvelles !
