Here we are !
I've completed my first participation to the OWAC IV. As I detailed in this post, my army will be (of course) dedicated to Slaanesh but more specifically, devoted to the altar and army battle train I am preparing. I am thinking of daemons and lords coming to battle pulled by a small army of slaves.
I love those miniatures that are a story in itself.
Back to my monthly entry, I decided to start with Chaos Knights. Or I should say "Choosen Chaos Knights" because they are riding those infamous mount of Slaanesh.
As I am not playing 3rd ed, they won't be "Legionnaires" but only Chaos Knight. Which is fair enough.
I hope you admire those magnificent shields, they are from Knightmare Miniatures and sculpted by the mighty everchoosen chaos champion "Roberth Breseus" (who have the best Khornate army ever)