dimanche 6 septembre 2020

Emperor's Children : a complete army !!!

 Today is a sacred day in Slaaneshi calendar : I have finished to paint all my Emperor's Children !! And there is no surprise, we are on the 6th today !!

First ugly global picture : 

From right to left : 

And now, time for some close up :)

My Chaos Sorcerer with his pet :

A Chaos sorcerer with his pet

The daemonic contingent : the All-mighty Thul-sodom and his Demoiselles

Thuld'Sodom, himself

Renegade Chaos Squad 1 : 

The lust riders, I will post more of my Eldars of Slaanesh soon : 

Noise Marines in Terminator armor with their possessed Land Raider in the background : 

Slaves with support weapon : 

MK1 Predator, the last miniature I painted : 

Renegade Chaos Squad 2 : 

Veterans squad with close combat weapons 1 : 

Veteran squad with close combat weapons 2 :

The infamous Lubrifist with his kindred : 

Noise Marines squad 1 : 

Noise Marines squad 2 : 

Possessed marines squad, lead by Lucius :

Devastator Chaos squad 1 : 

Gomorra, Daemon Princess of Slaanesh : 

The perverted sisters, with their Princess : 

my chaos sorcere on mount/lord on mount

Veteran squad with heavy weapons : 

My possessed techmarine : 

And the best at the end : Inquisitor Baala'Dur and his retinue...

Here we are... this is the end of two years of work. Now I will focus on Warhammer Battle and a small for of corrupted guardsmen. I have also a small eldars of slaanesh force that I need to rework to present it as a single army.

Which is your favorite unit from this army ?