mercredi 27 janvier 2021

First participation to the OWAC IV : Chaos knights riding mounts of Slaanesh

Here we are ! 

I've completed my first participation to the OWAC IV. As I detailed in this post, my army will be (of course) dedicated to Slaanesh but more specifically, devoted to the altar and army battle train I am preparing. I am thinking of daemons and lords coming to battle pulled by a small army of slaves. 

I love those miniatures that are a story in itself.

Back to my monthly entry, I decided to start with Chaos Knights. Or I should say "Choosen Chaos Knights" because they are riding those infamous mount of Slaanesh.

As I am not playing 3rd ed, they won't be "Legionnaires" but only Chaos Knight. Which is fair enough.

I hope you admire those magnificent shields, they are from Knightmare Miniatures and sculpted by the mighty everchoosen chaos champion "Roberth Breseus" (who have the best Khornate army ever)

As you can see, they are escorted by a beautiful Champ... creature. N'ghal, the pretty. I wanted to add a champion to support them, I like the idea of a champion struggling between spawnhood and humanity.

Here are the detailed pictures...

And just because I needed to finish them.... 24 fierce dark elves lancers ! Now I have completed my dark elves army, I will post a group picture soon.